User Manual

To illustrate the use of the domain index we will consider user cschem1_test, table nci_open with column smiles containing structure. If you loaded the test data as described earlier you will be able to run the commands shown in this section in SQL*Plus (while connected as cschem1_test).

Creating and Manipulating Domain Indexes

To create an index cschem1_test.molecules.smiles:

create index molecules_index on nci_open(smiles)indextype is

Creating the index takes about 1 minute (8 threads on an Intel quad core). To run all the commands in this section you need to have created this index. You have the option to create this index on install.

To commit the change log table into the serialized Java object (emptying the change log table for the index):

alter index molecules_index rebuild;

To completely rebuild the index (deleting the current change log table and serialized Java object then rebuilding that object) use:

alter index molecules_index rebuild parameters('full');

To unload/remove the index from the memory of the RMI server:

alter index molecules_index parameters('unload');

To load the index into the RMI server memory:

alter index molecules_index parameters('load');

To add all molecules in the index to the RMI server OEMol structure cache:

alter index molecules_index parameters('add_to_cache');

This command will do nothing if the cache is not enabled.

The index will automatically adjust during column renames, table renames and table truncates.

To delete the index use:

drop index molecules_index;

Using Domain Index Operators

To perform substructure search use the substructure(<column_name>, <query>, <max_hits>) operator, where <query> is a smarts pattern and <max_hits> is the maximum number of hits. Set <max_hits> to -1 to retrieve all rows which match. For example:

select id
  from nci_open
 where c$cschem1.substructure(smiles, '[#6]c2nc1ccccc1o2', -1) = 1;

The operator mdl_substructure(<column_name>, <query>, <max_hits>) is the same as the substructure operator, but an MDL mol block is used as a query. The query can use ‘|’ in place of newlines:

select id from nci_open
 where c$cschem1.mdl_substructure(SMILES, 'Cc2nc1ccccc1o2 |JME 2002.05 Tue Mar 17 15:39:01 PDT 2009|| 10 11                            V2000|    5.9792    1.4000    0.0000 C                               |    0.0000    2.1000    0.0000 C                               |    0.0000    0.7000    0.0000 C                               |    1.2124    2.8000    0.0000 C                               |    1.2124    0.0000    0.0000 C                               |    3.7564    2.5326    0.0000 N                               |    3.7564    0.2674    0.0000 O                               |    4.5792    1.4000    0.0000 C                               |    2.4249    2.1000    0.0000 C                               |    2.4249    0.7000    0.0000 C                               |  1  8  1  0         |  2  3  2  0         |  2  4  1  0         |  3  5  1  0         |  4  9  2  0         |  5 10  2  0         |  6  8  2  0         |  6  9  1  0         |  7  8  1  0         |  7 10  1  0         |  9 10  1  0         |M  END|', 10000) = 1;

The mdl_substructure operator will also bind a CLOB query, which enables programs to pass MDL queries in excess of 4000 characters to the cartridge to Oracle 18C databases.

For exact match use the exactMatch(<column_name>, <query>, <max_hits>) where <query> is a smiles structure. For example:

select id
 from nci_open
where c$cschem1.exactMatch(smiles, 'O=C1C(=CC(=O)C=C1)C', -1) = 1;

The similarity(<column_name>, <query>, <min_similarity>, <max_hits>) operator retrieves all rows that have Tanimoto similarity of at least <min_similarity> to the query structure:

select id from nci_open
 where c$cschem1.similarity(smiles, 'CCCc1ccc(cc1)S(=O)(=O)Nc2cc(on2)C', 0.80, -1) = 1;

An ancillary operator smililarityScore is provided to retrieve similarity scores:

select c$cschem1.similarityScore(1), id
  from nci_open
 where c$cschem1.similarity(smiles, 'CCCc1ccc(cc1)S(=O)(=O)Nc2cc(on2)C', 0.80, -1, 1) = 1;

The integer argument in the ancillary operator must match the extra integer argument in the similarity function (this is an Oracle requirement).

When not to use the Domain Index Operators

The domain index always does a full table scan and returns all hits. If you have a complex query with a simple substructure query then the full table scan will be inefficient. Consider this:

select count(id)
  from nci_open
 where c$cschem1.substructure(smiles, 'c1ccccc1', -1) = 1
   and id between 170000 and 171000;

The domain index search returns almost 200000 hits and these are filtered by the id clause to give about 600 hits. It would be more efficient to get approximately 1000 hits from the id clause first and then perform substructure search on those. Unfortunately, the Oracle cartridge implementation allows only a full table scan or a single row test. Each single row test would require a call to the RMI server and is not practical for 1000 rows. To get better performance you can pass SQL that returns ROWIDS to the domain index (see CHEM_STRUCTURE documentation for tableIndexSubstructSqlFilter):

select count(id) from nci_open m
 where rowid in (select * from
 table(c$cschem1.chem_structure.tableIndexSubstructSqlFilter ('cschem1_test', 'nci_open', 'smiles',
                    'select rowid from cschem1_test.nci_open where id between 170000 and 171000',
                    'c1ccccc1', -1)));

There is an analogous function chem_structure.tableIndexSimilasritySqlFilter for similarity searches.

Functional Operators

The domain index operators substructure, exactMatch and similarity are not available as functional operators that can be applied to any text column. While this is easily implemented, a design decision was taken to not provide this functionality. Because each row tested using a functional operator will necessitate a call-out to the RMI server, a search on an un-indexed table is likely to overwhelm the RMI server.

CHEM_STRUCTURE Functions and Procedures

Utility functions

These are general structure handling functions that do not require domain indexes. In general each function call requires an RMI call-out. Single functions such as molecularWeight or translateStructure should be avoided in select statements that process many rows. If there is interest the single value function can be converted to a domain index operator or a batch function.

MolecularWeight(<smiles>) takes a smiles argument and returns the molecular weight:

select c$cschem1.chem_structure.molecularWeight('c1ccccc1') from dual;

TranslateStructure(<smiles>, <from>, <to>) translates between structure formats.

Format From To
smarts Y Y
smiles/can_smiles Y Y
mdl/mol Y Y
mol2 Y N
pdb Y Y
molecular_formula N N

The structure formats are listed above. Smiles are always canonicalized on output.

select c$cschem1.chem_structure.translateStructure('CCO', 'smiles', 'pdb') from dual;

The translateStructure function may be hampered on Oracle 12 due to the 4000 character limit for VARCHAR2 strings in PL/SQL function parameters. If that length is exceeded the Oracle error ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested will occur.

CanonicalizeSmiles(<smiles>) takes a smiles and canonicalizes it. It will return a smiles even if normalization fails:

select c$cschem1.chem_structure.canonicalizeSmiles('Cc2nc1ccccc1o2') from dual;

Index Procedures

TableIndexSubstructSqlFilter(<owner>, <table>, <column>, <sql_filter>, <query>, [<max_hits>], [<query_type>]) returns a PL/SQL table of ROWIDS for the index owner.table.column for structures which match both the smarts substructure query and the sql_filter. The sql_fiter query should return a single column of ROWIDS, which are then tested against the substructure query. Set query_type = ‘mdl’ to use an MDL mol block as a query (you can use | for newline in the query). Note that the SQL in sql_filter will be run by the c$cschem1 user (using the permissions of the current user) so full schema names of tables are required.

select id from nci_open m
 where rowid in
       (select * from table(
                 ('cschem1_test', 'NCI_OPEN', 'SMILES',
                  'select rowid from cschem1_test.nci_open where rownum < 30000',
                  '[#6]c2nc1ccccc1o2', -1)));

TableIndexSimilaritySqlFilter(<owner>, <table>, <column>, <sql_filter>, <query>, <max_hits>) returns a PL/SQL table of ROWIDS and smilarity scores for the index owner.table.column for structures which both pass the sql_filter and have at least min_similarity similarity with the query structure. The sql_fiter query should return a single column of ROWIDS, which are then tested against the similarity query. Note that the SQL in sql_filter will be run by the c$cschem1 user so full schema names of tables are required.

select id, score
  from table(
              ('cschem1_test', 'NCI_OPEN', 'SMILES',
               'select rowid from cschem1_test.nci_open where rownum < 30000',
               'CCCc1ccc(cc1)S(=O)(=O)Nc2cc(on2)C', 0.7, -1)) s,
       nci_open m
 where m.rowid = s.hit_rowid;

These functions and procedures extract information from the external index.

TableIndexExtractSmiles (<owner_name>, <table_name>, <column_name>, <sql_query>, <sql_update>, <sql_user>, <sql_password>) can extract the canonical smiles and pattern fingerprints (as Base64 strings) from the index and return them to Oracle. The SQL in sql_query should return a rowid from a domain index in column 1 and any unique column corresponding to that rowid in column 2. For example:

select rowid, id from nci_open

The SQL in update_sql should be an insert or update query which takes 3 bind parameters: smiles (varchar2(1000)), fingerprint (varchar2(4000)) and the unique id from sql_query in that order. For example, to store index smiles and fingerprints in the nci_open table you will first need to create additional columns:

alter table nci_open add(canonical_smiles varchar2(1000), string_fingerprint varchar2(4000));

Then you can use this update statement for update_sql:

update nci_open set canonical_smiles = :1, string_fingerprint = :2 where id = :3

Because this procedure updates a user’s schema, user credentials are also required (substitute ‘secret’ for your password). Run the command like this:

  c$cschem1.chem_structure.tableIndexExtractSmiles (
    'select rowid, id from nci_open',
    'update nci_open set canonical_smiles = :1, string_fingerprint = :2 where id = :3',
    'cschem1_test', 'secret');

This command is time-consuming- it may take 30s per 100000 structures.

The function tableIndexGetRowSmiles(<owner>, <table>, <column>, <row_id>) returns the smiles held in the external index for a given row. The related function tableIndexGetIdSmiles(<owner>, <table>, <column>, <id_column>, <id_value>) allows you to specify a primary key (or unique) column and value and return the external smiles for the matching row.

select c$cschem1.chem_structure.tableIndexGetIdSmiles('cschem1_test', 'NCI_OPEN', 'SMILES', 'ID', '123456')
  from dual;

The function tableIndexGetRowFingerprint(<owner>, <table>, <column>, <row_id>, <hex_format>) returns the fingerprint held in the external index for a given row. The related function tableIndexGetIdFingerprint(<owner>, <table>, <column>, <id_column>, <id_value>, [<hex_format>]) allows you to specify a primary key (or unique) column and value and return the external fingerprint for the matching row:

select c$cschem1.chem_structure.tableIndexGetIdFingerprint('cschem1_test', 'NCI_OPEN', 'SMILES', 'ID', '123455')
  from dual;

The function tableIndexGetRowSimilarity(<owner>, <table>, <column>, <row_id1>, <row_id2>) returns the pairwise Tanimoto similarity for two rows. The related function tableIndexGetIdSimilarity(<owner>, <table>, <column>, <id_column>, <id_value1>, <id_value2>) allows you to specify a primary key (or unique) column and two values and return the Tanimoto similarity score for the two associated rows.

De Morgan/Extended Fingerprints

The cartridge also supports the addition of Morgan/Circular fingerprints. These may be added as an option during index creation and operators are provided to perform similarity search using those fingerprints

The fingerprint type is specified by adding a fp=<type> parameter to the create index command. Multiple fingerprints may be added to a single index. The following fingerprint types are supported (see the RDKit documentation for an explanation of the features and radius terms).

Fingerprint type Features RDKit Radius

To build an index with ECFP4 and FCFP6 fingerprints use:

drop index molecules_index;
create index molecules_index on nci_open(smiles) indextype is c$cschem1.structureIndexType parameters('fp=ecfp4 fp=fcfp6');

Once built, the similarity searches may be run on the index using the operator extended_similarity(<column>, <fingerprint type>, <similarity_method>, <query_smiles>, <min_similarity>, <alpha>, <beta>). Where similarity_method is one of tanimoto, dice or tversky, Alpha and beta are the weighting parameters of the tversky method and may be set to NULL for tanimoto or dice methods.

select id, smiles from nci_open
 where c$cschem1.extended_similarity(smiles, 'ecfp4', 'tanimoto', 'C(C)NS(=O)(=O)NCC', 0.7, -1, NULL, NULL) = 1;

select id, smiles from nci_open
 where c$cschem1.extended_similarity(smiles, 'fcfp6', 'tversky', 'C(C)NS(=O)(=O)NCC', 0.7, -1, 0.2, 0.8) = 1;

As with the original similarity operator a similarity score ancillary operator is available to retrieve the similarity scores. Note the extra integer argument in the extended_similarity operator which must match the argument to the ancillary operator.

select c$cschem1.similarityScore(1), id, smiles from nci_open
 where c$cschem1.extended_similarity(smiles, 'ecfp4', 'tanimoto', 'C(C)NS(=O)(=O)NCC', 0.7, -1, NULL, NULL, 1) = 1;

select c$cschem1.similarityScore(1), id, smiles from nci_open
 where c$cschem1.extended_similarity(smiles, 'fcfp6', 'tversky', 'C(C)NS(=O)(=O)NCC', 0.7, -1, 0.2, 0.8, 1) = 1;

CLOB structure columns

In addition to building indices on VARCHAR2 columns containing smiles strings, you can also construct indices on CLOB columns containing MLD mol blocks. Inserting mol blocks into table rows containing CLOBs typically entails population the table through an Oracle API. The test class com.cairn.rmi.test.client.TestClobColumn contains code which adds MOL blocks to a CLOB column using Java and JDBC drivers.